Grooming Authorisation Form - New Customer

This grooming authorisation form is for new customers, who are not already enrolled in day care. If you are an existing customer, please refer to our grooming authorisation form for existing customers

New Customer - Grooming Authorisation

  • 1. Owner Info
  • 2. Pet's Info
  • 3. Pet's Health
  • Choose
  • 23 Barrys Point Road, Takapuna
  • 52 Small Road, Silverdale
  • Choose
  • No preference
  • Brittany C - Takapuna
  • Brittney P - Silverdale
  • Mary M - Takapuna

Owner Information


  1. Dogs that bite
    We reserve the right to refuse grooming services if your dog is significantly aggressive and we cannot continue with respect to the safety of the dog and the groomer. If we cannot continue, you (the owner) will be contacted immediately and asked to collect your dog.
    If you have told us that your dog may bite, a muzzle may be used.
    Additional charges may apply if your dog is particularly problematic or difficult to groom or has aggressive tendencies.
    You (the owner) understand that you are legally responsible for any bites or injury sustained by the groomer caused by your dog.
  2. Pre-existing medical conditions
    The health, safety and welfare of your dog is our priority – but we are not liable for any pre-existing medical conditions or any health issues that we may discover during the grooming process.
    Note: We are not qualified veterinarians – please see a qualified professional if the groomer makes any observations, suggestions or recommendations.
  3. Dogs that need to be sedated
    We do not provide this service..
  4. Matting
    If your dog is matted, it is likely the coat will need to be clipped very close to the skin. By doing this there is a risk your dog may suffer from clipper rash (irritation to the skin).
    We give matted dogs more breaks during the pre-clip. If the matting is very severe, we may ask you to bring back your dog for the final clip another day.
    We will do everything we can to avoid unnecessary pain or discomfort and to prevent a bad experience for your dog.
    If your dog is groomed while excessively matted and with poor coat condition, you agree that The Dog Den will not be held liable for any costs or fault if veterinary care is needed after the groom.
    Additional charges may apply if your dog is excessively matted.
  5. Fleas
    We take fleas in our salon very seriously, especially the possibility of spreading fleas to other people’s dogs. If your dog is found to have fleas, your dog will be bathed immediately with a flea shampoo treatment and you will be charged an additional $20.00. This treatment and cost is non-negotiable.
  6. Appointment reminders
    Reminders – Mark it in your calendar.
    While The Dog Den  endeavour to send text or email reminders, this is a courtesy only and cannot be relied upon. You are responsible for setting your own reminders and managing your calendar appointments.
  7. Running late?
    Please let us know as soon as possible! It affects your service provider and other customers.
    We may need to reschedule your grooming appointment if your delay will significantly impact other customers.
  8. Collection of Dogs
    Please be on time to collect your dogs. You will be advised of an estimated completion time and we respectfully request that all dogs are collected within twenty minutes of being notified your dog is ready for collection. Unless arrangements have been made prior, your dog will be transferred into day care. Day care rates apply.